Emily: What do we wear to a Lego movie Dad?
Me: Whatever you want to.
Emily: (thinks) Ah! Got it! I know we...
Me: You can't wear Lego, Milly.
Emily: Awwww... Come on Sam.
15 minutes pass, with much rustling and bustling from upstairs. Finally the pair come back down:
Agent Le and Agent Go |
Me: (grinning) And who are you two?
Sam: Spies!
Emily: Secret Agents!
Me: More like the Thompson Twins.
Emily: No! I'm Agent Le and Sammy's Agent Go
Me: That's brilliant! You look ace.
Emily: See. It's Le-Go. Do you get it? I'm Agent Le and he's Agent Go. LE-GO
Me: I get it, Emily, you don't need to explain
Emily: Sammy, needed me to.
Me: I suppose he did.
Sam: Actually, I think I'm going to be Agent X
Emily: No, Sam. That doesn't work. There isn't any LE-X, you're Agent Go. Lego. Get it?
Sam: Yeah. No. Agent X sounds better.
Emily: (sighs) We spoke about this... Agent Le - Go. LEGO. Agent X doesn't work
Sam: Nor does Agent Go. What does Le-go even mean, silly. I'm gonna be Agent X
Emily: But Sam... Dad!
Me: I'll leave you to it
Emily: (sighs again). Alright, listen. you know Lego?
Sam: Yeah.
Emily: Right, so Agent Le and Agent Go...
At which point, I left Emily to her explanation, and went to make a cuppa.
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